[Mimedefang] Adding footers or signatures to all outgoing email
Rob MacGregor
rob.macgregor at gmail.com
Sat Jul 9 08:24:58 EDT 2005
On 09/07/05, Lisa Casey <lisa at jellico.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> According to the Sendmail FAQ on their website:
> Some open source milters are capable of adding footers, e.g. MIMEDefang
> How would I do this using MimeDefang? I'm thinking about adding a small
> commercial "blurb" about my company (an ISP) to outgoing mail.
I'm pretty sure it's documented. Certainly it's been covered on the
list already, so searching the archive should give you what you want.
> I'm also open to ideas about drawbacks to this idea (i.e., why I shouldn't
> do it!).
A trawl of the archive should give you enough reasons. My own opinion
is that it's, at best, pointless (IANAL but all the legal opinions
I've heard say that such disclaimers are worthless, not least because
they come *AFTER* the information) and at worst breaks things (I've
seen problems caused by blindly tacking the disclaimer at the end of
the message body).
Please keep list traffic on the list.
Rob MacGregor
Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he
doesn't become a monster. Friedrich Nietzsche
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