[Mimedefang] Embedded Perl now safe with FreeBSD and perl 5.8.7 (maybe Linux too) ?

Martin Blapp mb at imp.ch
Tue Jul 12 08:15:15 EDT 2005

Hi all,

Up to Perl 5.8.6 we had problems with 'reloading' mimedefang filters.
It could happen that the multiplexer just crashed. It happened, let's
say 5% of all reloads.

More important, it didn't work at all with Archive::Zip installed,
all reloads crashed in the past.

With perl 5.8.7 those problems are history. I've reloaded the filters
a lot and since two weeks we have not seen any crashes anymore.

This mail is just to tell you that reload is now definitily safe
on FreeBSD, if you use perl 5.8.7 (i386-freebsd-64int)


Martin Blapp, <mb at imp.ch> <mbr at FreeBSD.org>
ImproWare AG, UNIXSP & ISP, Zurlindenstrasse 29, 4133 Pratteln, CH
Phone: +41 61 826 93 00 Fax: +41 61 826 93 01
PGP: <finger -l mbr at freebsd.org>
PGP Fingerprint: B434 53FC C87C FE7B 0A18 B84C 8686 EF22 D300 551E

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