[Mimedefang] Reject Spam instead of tag it

Jason Gurtz jason at jasongurtz.com
Fri Jul 15 09:47:59 EDT 2005

On 7/14/2005 12:56, James Ebright wrote:

> They are not opinionated, they are defining a standard. Standards are a good
> thing... without standards interoperability on the scale of the Internet would
> be nigh impossible.

...and some people just don't get it.  There was a discussion on backup
mail exchangers the other day in an M$ newsgroup (ya i know, but I try and
help the poor folk out...) and one of these "MVP - Exchange" people was
strongly suggesting that it was OK to simply discard mail that was sent to
invalid recipients (in the case of a disconnected BU MX).

Well, maybe for him it is OK because he was adamantly OK with running a BU
that has no idea of proper recipients.  I guess it's better than spamming
NDN's willy nilly.  He just apparently didn't get that spammers are really
abusing that situation with dictionary attacks, etc...

I stopped pursuing 'causes I just couldn't keep it together w/ him  ;)



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