[Mimedefang] import ldap entries onto external mail relay

Patrick Morris trick at adonis.net
Mon May 24 14:05:01 EDT 2004

Lucas Albers wrote:

>#constants from script:
>our $bind    = 'cn=Email Export,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com';  # AD account
>our $passwd  = 'thepassword';                                 # AD password
>our $base    = 'dc=example,dc=com';                           # Start from
>our @servers = qw( ad1.example.com ad2.example.com );
>our $filter  = '(|(objectClass=publicFolder)(&(sAMAccountName=*)(mail=*)))';
>What should I use for these constants?

That all depends on your AD structure.  The "AD account" just needs to 
be an account with enough access to do an LDAP lookup, and the "base" 
parameter should be a level of your tree below which the user entries 
are stored.

Though, I'm not sure how much you'd gain from an approach like this over 
querying the LDAP directly from within Sendmail.

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