[Mimedefang] import ldap entries onto external mail relay

Lucas Albers admin at cs.montana.edu
Mon May 24 13:58:03 EDT 2004

I am getting a large number of dictionary attacks on my external mail relay.

I discovered the adexport.pl script from:
# This script would be most useful for generating an access.db file on a
# sendmail gateway server.  You would run it to generate a list of all
# valid email addresses, then insert those addresses into access.db as
# follows:

Has anyone used this script?
I am trying to determine the settings I need to configure on the internal
exchange server relay for this to work correctly.
Do I need to create a new account for this to work correctly on the
internal exchange server?
#constants from script:
our $bind    = 'cn=Email Export,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com';  # AD account
our $passwd  = 'thepassword';                                 # AD password
our $base    = 'dc=example,dc=com';                           # Start from
our @servers = qw( ad1.example.com ad2.example.com );
our $filter  = '(|(objectClass=publicFolder)(&(sAMAccountName=*)(mail=*)))';

What should I use for these constants?

Luke Computer Science System Administrator
Security Administrator,College of Engineering
Montana State University-Bozeman,Montana

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