[Mimedefang] Graphdefang + High CPU Load when processing

John Kirkland jpk at bl.org
Tue Aug 10 17:47:32 EDT 2004

On Tue, 10 Aug 2004, Rich West wrote:

> Just curious, but what, exactly, does the --trim option do?  The
> documentation states that it cuts out old data from the SummaryDB, but
> doesn't that defeat the purpose of graphdefang when looking for
> longer-term trends and such?

You should use the "--trim" option regularly.  When I added it to the 
code, it reduced the size of my DB by 10x.

It deletes all of the detailed data that is for months previous to the 
current month.  It keeps all of the summarized data, and it keeps all of 
the top 25 data per user per month and per day, but you no longer actually 
need the rest of the detailed line-item data in your DB.


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