[Mimedefang] Changes to latest Mail::MIMEDefang/RFC2822.pm

Bill Cole mdlist-20140424 at billmail.scconsult.com
Sat Nov 5 01:42:52 EDT 2022

On 2022-11-04 at 17:44:28 UTC-0400 (Fri, 4 Nov 2022 15:44:28 -0600)
Philip Prindeville via MIMEDefang <mimedefang at lists.mimedefang.org>
is rumored to have said:

> Hi,
> I'm running 3.1-1 on Fedora 35 and running into some issues w/ my 
> MIMEDefang script not messing with the new gen_date_msgid_headers().
> Anyone have logic to generate a prototypical message-id value for use 
> w/ Sendmail?
> My submit.cf uses:
> H?M?Message-Id: <$t.$i@$j>
> So, $j is the FDQN, $i seems to be a random job ID (mangled in part 
> from the PID),

Not random at all. $i is the queue ID, and it has a very deterministic 
format. Every MTA uses its own style, so the only reason to mimic 
Sendmail's form is if you really want to specifically mimic Sendmail. MD 
exposes it as $QueueID, so if  you have that for a message, you have $i.

More generally, you can make MD pass any Sendmail macros you want 
through to mimedefang-filter with '-a' command-line options. See the man 
page and your MTA documentation for details.

> $t is the current time... I guess $i is the tricky one?
> Or at least non-trivial...

Depends on your idea of non-trivial. It would be a CS101 program. The 
modern Sendmail QueueID has 6 characters from a Base60 character set of 
timestamp (YMDhms,) 2 for a Base60 sequence number and 6 decimal digits 
for the PID of the sendmail process. The details are in the Bat Book 
(3rd Ed.) and the code. Postfix "long" IDs use a similar encoding 
concept using the Base52 microsecond epoch time and the Base51 PID. Exim 
does something entirely different but also info-laden.

It can be forensically useful to know how those encodings work to 
sanity-check Received headers. If one wanted to create a plausible false 
Received header one would need such knowledge, but in my experience 
people forging Received headers do not have it.

Bill Cole
bill at scconsult.com or billcole at apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
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