[Mimedefang] Changes to latest Mail::MIMEDefang/RFC2822.pm

Philip Prindeville philipp_subx at redfish-solutions.com
Fri Nov 4 17:44:28 EDT 2022


I'm running 3.1-1 on Fedora 35 and running into some issues w/ my MIMEDefang script not messing with the new gen_date_msgid_headers().

Anyone have logic to generate a prototypical message-id value for use w/ Sendmail?

My submit.cf uses:

H?M?Message-Id: <$t.$i@$j>

So, $j is the FDQN, $i seems to be a random job ID (mangled in part from the PID), $t is the current time... I guess $i is the tricky one?

Or at least non-trivial...



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