[Mimedefang] API discussion (was Re: MIMEDefang 3.0-rc1)

Dianne Skoll dianne at skoll.ca
Sat May 14 09:29:58 EDT 2022


I think this discussion might belong on the Mailmunge list more than
the MIMEDefang list, so list admins... let me know if you'd prefer me
to move it there.

> As a specific concern in my situation: mimedefang is currently
> packaged in Debian, and mailmunge is not. While I certainly could
> package mailmunge (I'm a Debian Developer.), that's a new burden I'd
> be taking on.

Actually, I build .debs of mailmunge as part of the docker test suite.
It comes with a debian/ directory and dpkg-buildpackage works.  I've
put in a request to package into Debian, but haven't had a response.

I do not have a .spec file since I don't run any RPM-based systems, but
would be open to including that.

>   * Most annoyingly, there are still the two return styles for message
>     dispositions depending on whether we are in filter_message() or
>     something earlier. filter_message()'s return value is ignored and
>     action_{bounce,discard,tempfail}() are used.

Hmm.  This is easy enough to change.  I could check if the return value
of one of the filter_message-time functions is a Mailmunge::Response
object and take appropriate action if so.  Thanks!

>   * Most significantly, it seems to have retained the add_*() and
>     delete_*() APIs for things like headers and recipients. I think it
>     should instead have a mutable representation that Does The Right
>     Thing.

These API calls were modeled after the lower-level Milter APIs.  I'm
not religious about which style is better; just explaining why the
design is as it is.

> o Looking at recipients, for example, I want to be able to
> modify $ctx->recipients. If I add or delete one, it should do the work
>         of add_recipient() or delete_recipient() under the hood.

OK.  It would be pretty easy to make $ctx->recipients a setter as well
as a getter and do what you want.  I'm not convinced we gain much and
there's also IMO something to be said *against* having more than one way
to do something (this is where Larry Wall and I disagree. :) )


>   * Unless it's impossible (or unreasonable) to do optional arguments
> in Perl, I don't see why there are both action_add_header() and
>     action_insert_header(). Just have the insert, with $pos defaulting
>     to -1 or something to get the add behavior.

Again, these are modeled after the Milter API calls.  However, making
action_insert_header punt to action_add_header if pos is -1 is easy

> Likewise for
>     action_{accept,drop}_with_warning(); just have an optional
> $warning parameter on action_{accept,drop}().

Those are part of the Compat module, designed to be compatible
with MIMEDefang.  They're not part of the official Mailmunge API.
But sure... easy enough to check for an optional $warning parameter
(since no existing filters should have it) and do the right thing.

>   * I'm confused by the idea (as Dianne posted on the mailmunge list)
>     that a module named "Compat" is expected to be a thing that people
>     use indefinitely and in new installations as opposed to as a
> bridge while porting their MIMEDefang 2.x filter.

In retrospect, Compat was possibly a bad name.  MD_Like might have
been better.

>   * In the Mailmunge example video, $ctx->recipients[0] is
>     '<bob at example.org>'. IMHO, mailmunge should be stripping off the
>     angle brackets before the filter see it. They are just an
> annoyance. Perhaps it should be lowercasing too, i.e. using
> canonical_email().

No, I disagree on this.  We should IMO give addresses back exactly
as they came in.  For the sender address specifically, a null
return path of <> would be changed to the empty string, which could
be confusing.  And for normal email addresses, the local part could
be case-sensitive (ie, if it's an SRS-rewritten address) and
lowercasing it could cause information loss.

I think a good compromise would be to add accessors
$ctx->canon_recipients and $ctx->canon_sender if you only ever care
about lower-cased addresses with angle brackets stripped.

>   * This is minor, since it's boilerplate, but I'm not sure what the
>     run() method is about. What is "server mode" (as opposed to
>     multiplexor mode)?

Server mode is left-over documentation from MIMEDefang.  I will update
the docs; basically, the filter is *always* running in server mode.

As for why the boilerplate: Mailmunge works differently from
MIMEDefang; its filter is just a normal program that doesn't even have
to be written in Perl.

The Perl run() method just sets up the communication with the C code
and is always needed.  The reason the C code doesn't invoke run()
itself is (as I mentioned) technically the filter doesn't need to be
written in Perl at all.  However, if you *are* using embedded Perl, then
run() needs to behave slightly differently... but all of this is
internal to the filter.  You just need to call run() and it will work



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