[Mimedefang] Greylisting++

David F. Skoll dfs at roaringpenguin.com
Tue Jul 10 10:37:29 EDT 2007

Jeff Rife wrote:

> I know that legit mailing list software might mutate the "From:" 
> header.  Is there anything "real" that mutates the subject?

We haven't had any complaints yet, but you never know...

> Previously, we were using things controlled solely by the MTA that 
> connected (even if that was a bot).  Now, your system relies on 
> something that is in the hands of the MUA.  I'm sure you've thought 
> about issues that might come up before you implemented this in your 
> commercial product...can you share some of those potential problems 
> with us?

Well, we've only had the system in place for a few weeks.  I haven't
noticed any problems.  Although it's true that the subject is
controlled by the MUA, in the normal use-case, an MUA hands the
message off to an MTA that is responsible for delivering it, and it's
unlikely that the MTA will mutate the subject.



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