[Mimedefang] Partial Word Subject Line Blocking

Cormack, Ken ken.cormack at roadway.com
Mon Jul 31 08:39:00 EDT 2006

> I have an issue that I have been trying to resolve.  Currently I block
> certain words on my subject lines and I block certain phrases.  For
> instance, I block save! and I block tired.of (the period being a space) 
> What I am trying to do is block parts of words, for instance I get a lot
> emails with subject lines that say "Re: suronRjOLEX"  I can block that
> but the next day I'll get an email with  the subject suromRjOLEX (notice
> that there is an "m" instead of an "n")  I would like to block an email if
> the characters in the subject resemble "RjOLEX" even though there is
> something before it.  

Here's what I have added to the top of the lookup function you posted
(before you open the database)...

    if ($Subject =~ /\*\^\*/
        || $Subject =~ /Rj[oO0]LEX/
        || $Subject =~ /Vj[l1Ii]AGRA/
        || $Subject =~ /V[l1Ii]j[l1Ii]AGRA/) {
        $subject_result = 1;
        md_graphdefang_log("Subject_Fingerprint", "Known Spam Fingerprint
found in subject line");
        action_bounce("Access denied. Known Spam Fingerprint in Subject
suggests MSG may contain SPAM/WORM/VIRUS/HOAX.", "553", "5.7.1");

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