[Mimedefang] Partial Word Subject Line Blocking
M Jerome Garrett
jgarrett at techsolutions.cc
Fri Jul 28 23:43:34 EDT 2006
I have an issue that I have been trying to resolve. Currently I block
certain words on my subject lines and I block certain phrases. For
instance, I block save! and I block tired.of (the period being a space)
What I am trying to do is block parts of words, for instance I get a lot of
emails with subject lines that say Re: suronRjOLEX I can block that word
but the next day Ill get an email with the subject suromRjOLEX (notice
that there is an m instead of an n) I would like to block an email if
the characters in the subject resemble RjOLEX even though there is
something before it.
Just to clarify IF I wanted to have all instances of the words science to
be removed I would also like conscience to be removed as well.
Currently my routine for checking for certain words in the subject is done
by mimedefang and it looks at a database I have set up. Here is the
If I was better at perl I could probably take care of this myself.
Can anybody offer some help?
$DBFilenameSUBS = "/etc/mail/subjects.db";
sub lookup_subject() {
# convert incoming subject to lower-case
my $lc_subject = lc($Subject);
my $subject_result = 0;
my %GDB;
if (tie(%GDB,'DB_File', $DBFilenameSUBS, O_RDONLY)) {
# remove white space from the middle so that
# "free s t u f f here" becomes "free s t u f f here"
$lc_subject =~ s/(\s)\s+/$1/g;
# next 2 lines collapse "free s t u f f here" into "free stuff
$lc_subject =~ s!((^|\s)\S\s(\S(\s|$)){2,})!
my $lc_subject_x=$1;$lc_subject_x=~s/\s//g;sprintf
"%s","$lc_subject_x ";!ego;
$lc_subject =~ s/^\s+//; # Trim leading whitespace
$lc_subject =~ s/\s+$//; # Trim trailing whitespace
$lc_subject =~ s/^re://; # Trim leading "re:"
$lc_subject =~ s/^fw://; # Trim leading "fw:"
$lc_subject =~ s/^fwd://; # Trim leading "fwd:"
$lc_subject =~ s/\s+/./g; # Collapse whitespace into periods
# Scan database for a complete match (only)
if ($GDB{$lc_subject}) {
$subject_result = 1;
md_graphdefang_log("Subject_Line", "Subject-line found in
} else {
# See if any one word in the subject appears as a record
@subject_array = split (/\./, $lc_subject);
foreach $subject_word (@subject_array)
if ($GDB{$subject_word}) {
$subject_result = 1;
"Subject-word \"$subject_word\" found in
if (!$subject_result)
# here we reverse the logic... see if any record in the database
# is found as a substring in the subject. if a record contains
# "free.stuff" and the subject says "get your free stuff here",
# then flag it as a hit.
my $subject_record;
foreach $subject_record (keys %GDB)
if ($lc_subject =~ m/(^|\.)\Q$subject_record\E($|\.)/)
$subject_result = 1;
"Subject-substring \"$subject_record\" found in
subject line");
untie %GDB;
} else {
md_syslog('warning', "subject: Cannot open file $DBFilenameSUBS");
M. Jerome Garrett
Technology Solutions, President
M.S. Telecommunications Management
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