[Mimedefang] Limiting access to "everybody" alias

Steffen Kaiser skmimedefang at smail.inf.fh-bonn-rhein-sieg.de
Wed Feb 8 03:39:11 EST 2006

On Wed, 8 Feb 2006, Kenneth Porter wrote:

Well, because you only know the recipient address before virtuser, 
aliasing and forwarding takes place, it is no 100% solution, but I do as 

IF one recipient in @Recipient is a protected address
  AND sender is not authentificated via SMTP AUTH
  AND sender is not sending from a trusted host
 	return action_bounce("protected address - authentificate yourself first")

Of course, one can also use $Sender, but I prefer pushing all local users 
to submit their mails via SMTP AUTH anyway and $Sender is easy to fake, 
but you probably need $Sender, if the mails cannot be submitted directly.

So far, it works pretty well.

BTW: Mailman works pretty well, too. ;-)


Steffen Kaiser

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