[Mimedefang] OT: Better file transfer system?

Kenneth Porter shiva at sewingwitch.com
Mon Feb 27 13:27:42 EST 2006

--On Monday, February 27, 2006 11:30 AM -0500 "David F. Skoll" 
<dfs at roaringpenguin.com> wrote:

> Or you could use SFTP.  There are SSH clients for all major platforms,
> and some of the Windows-based ones are very easy to use.  You get the
> traditional two-pane "local" and "remote" directory displays, and you
> can drag-and-drop files from one to the other

Good idea. On one site I have users download WinSCP for file sharing.

Is there a good way server-side to hook in a virus scanner to openssh's SCP 
path? I've got Clam installed (invoked by MD) and I'd like to use it for 
SCP transfers.

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