[Mimedefang] Newbie question - testing

James Ebright jebright at esisnet.com
Thu Jul 21 10:33:03 EDT 2005

On Wed, 20 Jul 2005 23:17:28 GMT, Daniel C. Mahoney wrote
> I'm a former qmail user

We are sorry.... ;-)

You can test the syntax of SA and mimedefang filters by:

spamassassin --lint
mimedefang.pl -f /loca/to/test/mimedefang-filter -test

You can send spam to spamassassin as a standalone, or just use your
sa-minedefang.cf file as you local sa prefs for a single account and call it
via procmail for that account for a single user test of SA. Lots of options
but nothing will be quite the same as testing the full install, I test that on
a seperate box before pushing into production.


EsisNet.com Webmail Client

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