[Mimedefang] Subject block - good success - Anyone else tryin g it?

David F. Skoll dfs at roaringpenguin.com
Mon Jul 18 11:20:27 EDT 2005

Cormack, Ken wrote:

> Would a Bayes analyzer deal with a spammer's efforts to "personalize" or
> vary a subject line, with things such as:

> "Hey Jill at foo.com, claim your dream vacation - 07/15/05"
> "Hey Pete at foo.com, claim your dream vacation - #GGFS85F"

> ...any more effectively than putting "dream vacation" into the subject block
> database?

Yes.  A Bayes analyzer would pick up on patterns that a person might
miss.  We have a Bayes-sharing mechanism for CanIt customers called
RPTN, and I am completely amazed at (1) the oddball things it picks up
that I would never have thought about, and (2) how accurate it is.

(Basically, RPTN aggregates "votes" from all of our CanIt customers
and builds a Bayes database from them.  We have about 90,000 messages and
900,000 tokens in our current database.)



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