[Mimedefang] Subject block - good success - Anyone else tryin g it?

Cormack, Ken Ken.Cormack at roadway.com
Mon Jul 18 10:37:14 EDT 2005

From: David F. Skoll [mailto:dfs at roaringpenguin.com] 

> It seems to me it would be far more productive and less labour-intensive
> to simply feed those messages into a Bayesian analyzer.

That may be the case.  However, the VB scripts have done a pretty good job
so far, are well known and understood by Security and management here, and
the effort required doesn't take but a couple minutes of my time each day to

I might see 10-20 spams reported in a day, with a user-base of ~15,000
accounts.  And of the spams reported, I might see that a half-dozen of those
all have the same subject-line.  To eye-ball the few that remain only takes
a moment or two.  If I were seeing several times that volume daily, or were
only doing the checks weekly, then I can see where the volume would suggest
something more sophisticated was truly needed.

Would a Bayes analyzer deal with a spammer's efforts to "personalize" or
vary a subject line, with things such as:

"Hey Jill at foo.com, claim your dream vacation - 07/15/05"
"Hey Pete at foo.com, claim your dream vacation - #GGFS85F"

...any more effectively than putting "dream vacation" into the subject block


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