[Mimedefang] Reject Spam instead of tag it

Curtis cnpman at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 13 18:54:35 EDT 2005


You make a valid point in that Sean did ask for a
"REJECT" method. I will not belabor that point.
However, I would discard mail rather than rejecting it
for a SPAM score that is much higher. That is what I
advised Sean to do. We have done that here and have
had no negative feedback from customers regarding the
treatment of this type of mail. We tag as spam for
anything between a 5 and 20. 

Finally, I would like to review the RFC you were
trying to cite. The one you gave is not for SMTP or
Sendmail. The RFC you cited is for an SNMP standard.
Which RFC should I review?



--- James Ebright <jebright at esisnet.com> wrote:

> Umm.. no, they specifically asked to REJECT it
> instead of tag it... regardless
> once you have accepted the mail it is a violation of
> rfc2128 to not deliver it
> I believe. 

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