[Mimedefang] DBI not working, use DBI; causing mimedefang to break 2.52
Tory Blue
tmblue at responsys.com
Sun Jul 3 17:11:13 EDT 2005
I've made a bunch of tweaks recently and things are running well, however I
had a heck of a time getting all the various components of graphdefang to
install correctly, gd/GD to be specific and well I decided to abandon that
and just push the various things into a DB and then do some PHP or other to
create the reports I want to see.
However, the minute I add use DBI; to my mimedefang-filter things start
failing. Without it , I do a connect, helo mail from (forged) and am slapped
down, adding use DBI; I can helo/mailfrom/rcptto/data and then the system
just sits there, never finishes, never accepts the mail as being done, until
I remove use DBI and hup my Mail processes, then the system closes the
connections and delivers the forged email.
For example, until I remove use DBI; from my mimedefang-filter, the
connection does not end, sits here and I end up with slaves being used up
until there are no more, as inbound connections are waiting the 250 (hello
Jul 3 14:05:41 gateway2 sendmail[14138]: j63L5Nxk014138:
from=tmblue at domain.com, size=26, class=0, nrcpts=1,
msgid=<200507032105.j63L5Nxk014138 at host.domain.com>, proto=SMTP, daemon=MTA,
But I'm not leaving anything out, when I say, if I add use DBI; at the
beginning of my filter, things stop working (just the use DBI;, with no
other arguments, there is nothing calling DBI and it still breaks).
# -*- Perl -*-
#use DBI; <--- commented out and it works, uncomment and mimedefang-filter
breaks, any ideas?
# mimedefang-filter
# Suggested minimum-protection filter for Microsoft Windows clients, plus
# SpamAssassin checks if SpamAssassin is installed.
# Copyright (C) 2002 Roaring Penguin Software Inc.
# This program may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License, Version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
# $Id: suggested-minimum-filter-for-windows-clients,v 1.80 2004/03/26
19:23:16 dfs Exp $
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