[Mimedefang] Reject Spam instead of tag it

Jamie Pratt jpratt at norwich.edu
Thu Jul 14 10:30:12 EDT 2005

...regarding the rfc 2821 delivery specs etc... (Yes, he is correct - 
mail accepted for delivery should be delivered according to that RFC.)

So... Question... If I am "accepting mail", and redirecting *only* SPAM 
to a local system account on a relay, instead of the original recips 
(Noone there wants ANY spam, they WANT it deleted/gone, and NOT 
tagged...), does this violate the RFC? I would say technically, no, as 
the mail *does* get delivered, just not to the original recips it was 
intended for. Would this be considered non-RFC compliant ? hmmmm....

Personally, I think the IETF, or *whoever* it was  who writes/maintains 
(???) the RFC's were/are a bit too opinionated - every site is totally 
different these days, and has different policies on everything, so by 
nature they will never be followed the same by all sites..)


James Ebright wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Jul 2005 15:54:35 -0700 (PDT), Curtis wrote
>>We tag as spam for
>>anything between a 5 and 20.
> We do a similar check/tag, but reject at the SMTP level (using action_bounce)
> if it scores higher than our reject threshhold, this notifies the sending MTA
> that the message was NOT delivered as it was never accepted for delivery.
> Discarding the message means the sender in the case of a false-positive never
> knows their message was not delivered and has no way of knowing what happened
> to their mail as the sending MTA got a "250 message accepted for delivery"
> from your MTA. Mail should NEVER just disappear if it is accepted, the only
> exception I have ever made is for virus mail and DOS type attacks and I don't
> think anyone would ever give an admin grief in either of those two cases.
>>Finally, I would like to review the RFC you were
>>trying to cite. The one you gave is not for SMTP or
>>Sendmail. The RFC you cited is for an SNMP standard.
>>Which RFC should I review?
> I may have typoed that number, here is the URL:
> http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2821.txt
> I believe you will want to look at section "6.1 Reliable Delivery and Replies
> by Email" specifically but it is also mentioned in a few other places.
> Jim
> --
> EsisNet.com Webmail Client
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