[Mimedefang] filter_relay

Jeff Rife mimedefang at nabs.net
Mon Nov 1 11:41:56 EST 2004

On 1 Nov 2004 at 9:18, Aleksandar Milivojevic wrote:

>                For example, they'll use ISP's mail server to relay. 
> Most ISP's don't have virus scanners (too expensive).

I don't know about this statement anymore.

First, there are great free scanners, like ClamAV.

Second, I see a *lot* of bounces from virus scanners where the "From" 
address is forged to my domain, so I know that there are a great many 
virus scanners on mail servers...they just aren't very well configured.

Jeff Rife        |  Sam: Hey, how's life treating you there, Norm? 
SPAM bait:       |  
AskDOJ at usdoj.gov | Norm: Beats me...then it kicks me and leaves me 
spam at ftc.gov     |       for dead. 

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