[Mimedefang] clamdscan vs clamd under mimedefang

Matthew Hall leareth at angui.sh
Mon Jan 19 17:58:19 EST 2004

> > Which brings up another question: Why even offer clamscan as a mimedefang option -- why not just always use clamdscan?

For a while, the FreeBSD port of clamscan did not support the
clamd daemon - due to some issue with threads last I read. This
may no longer be the case - but we use mdefang because we like
options, and it would be nice to have the option to run the
cmdline scanner. :-)

It's always September somewhere on the 'net. | http://angui.sh
Another proud member of Eep's killfile.      | Unix Sys. Admin.
All projects approach the ghetto, some       |
faster than others.                          | leareth at angui.sh

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