[Mimedefang] Question about Virus Scanners

Chris Myers chris at by-design.net
Wed Aug 11 16:18:17 EDT 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Penkower" <mark at roycenet.com>
To: <mimedefang at lists.roaringpenguin.com>
Cc: <royce0777 at aol.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 12:58 PM
Subject: [Mimedefang] Question about Virus Scanners

> I normally use Symantec (on Windows desktops) to protect my network from
> Im not happy with Symantec, as their current virus defs did not detect the
latest beagle
> virus for most of the day yesterday.  Mcafee claimed that their defs dealt
with that virus
> much earlier in the day.
> For those of you using linux virus scanners with MimeDefang, what other
vendors had
> defs out as quickly as Mcafee?
> Also, does anybody have good experiences in having MimeDefang call up
Mcafee to scan emails?

Instead of replacing Symantec, how about adding another virus scanner?  A
lot of folks on this list use the open source ClamAV (http://www.clamav.net)
and are really quite happy with it.  The ClamAV group is also often one of
the first to get new signatures out.  ClamAV in daemon scanning mode is very
CPU-efficient so you don't really have to worry about performance hits
unless you get an extremely large amount of mail (50K+ messages/day, I'd

If you have multiple A/V systems scanning your mail message you improve the
chance of stopping both sneaky and new viruses.

Chris Myers
Networks By Design

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