[Mimedefang] Deadline for SPF records

Ben Kamen bkamen at benjammin.net
Fri Aug 6 11:27:55 EDT 2004

I was speaking more on the port 25 thing than the SPF. Providers so railroad 
most of the users into their servers... ignorance *IS* bliss.

But you're right on the SPF part...

WBrown at e1b.org wrote:

> mimedefang-bounces at lists.roaringpenguin.com wrote on 08/06/2004 10:46:17 
> AM:
>>Much pain for the technical types... I think the rest of the world 
>>will hardly notice.
> You, sir, are an optimist! <g>
> I suspect end users will notice that their mail is getting rejected.  And 
> that will lead to much pain for the technical types who have to explain 
> why it isn't going through and try to fix it.  And your local users will 
> whine to you that you are blocking their email from Aunt Sally. 
> These probablity of these events happening increase the faster M$ and 
> others push to implement such systems.  It will be exacerbated by a lack 
> of publicity, such as M$'s apparent deadline of October 1.
> These steps need to be taken, but it needs to be a ratified standard and 
> well publicized.
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