[Mimedefang] Deadline for SPF records

WBrown at e1b.org WBrown at e1b.org
Fri Aug 6 11:15:34 EDT 2004

mimedefang-bounces at lists.roaringpenguin.com wrote on 08/06/2004 10:46:17 

> Much pain for the technical types... I think the rest of the world 
> will hardly notice.

You, sir, are an optimist! <g>

I suspect end users will notice that their mail is getting rejected.  And 
that will lead to much pain for the technical types who have to explain 
why it isn't going through and try to fix it.  And your local users will 
whine to you that you are blocking their email from Aunt Sally. 

These probablity of these events happening increase the faster M$ and 
others push to implement such systems.  It will be exacerbated by a lack 
of publicity, such as M$'s apparent deadline of October 1.

These steps need to be taken, but it needs to be a ratified standard and 
well publicized.

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