[Mimedefang] Deadline for SPF records

WBrown at e1b.org WBrown at e1b.org
Wed Aug 4 13:46:38 EDT 2004

mimedefang-bounces at lists.roaringpenguin.com wrote on 08/04/2004 10:30:21 

> I have not heard of the October 1 date.  As far as I can see
> http://spf.pobox.com does not mention this, and none of the 
> RFC drafts do either.
> Hmmm.  Followed a bunch of the links, and found:
> http://www.clickz.com/experts/em_mkt/em_mkt/print.php/3388371
> "Last week, Microsoft announced it will check for SPF records
> in all e-mail coming into its Hotmail service, beginning 
> October 1, 2004."

I sent an email to the address on the DNSReport web page. I got this 

I heard it from a Microsoft representative that is working on the 
Sender-ID/SPF project, and a few other people.  I do know that Microsoft 
planning to enforce SPF records on Hotmail starting on October 1 (see 
http://www.infoworld.com/article/04/07/22/HNmicrosoftid_1.html and 
http://www.pcworld.com/news/article/0,aid,117026,00.asp ).
[end quote}

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