[Re: [Mimedefang] Sending virus notification to an email]

Laurent BOULEAU laurent.bouleau at univ-reims.fr
Thu Dec 11 13:40:24 EST 2003

Yes, but we want those emails sent to one only address (virus at our_domain). It's only for statistics about infection inside/outside of our network, and by IP to know who are infected. 


>Don't do this.
>This is exactly what I was complaining about.
>Usually the return address is forged.
>So all you are doing is notifying someone that someone has forged their
>return address.
>The generally agreed upon method for handling virus on the list is:
>Virus's detected are, action_discarded.
>And no notification is given.
>The later versions of mimedefang won't allow you to notify if a virus
>been detected.
>> Hi
>> I would like MimeDefang to send a virus notification to an email like
>> :
>> ----------
>> Subject: virus
>> To: virus at mydomain
>> SMTP sender :<someone at a_domain>
>> Sent from host: an.host[an_IP]
>> Virus identity fount: virus_name
>> -----------
>> How can I do this and where in mimedefang-filter ?
>> Thank's a lot.
Chef d'exploitation
Centre de Ressources Informatiques
Université de Reims
Tel :
Mailto:laurent.bouleau at univ-reims.fr

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