[Mimedefang] Access to email Headers in mimedefang-filter?

Antonello Nocchi anto at cerca.com
Wed Apr 2 11:41:01 EST 2003

Mark Wiater wrote:
> ..
> If the above is correct, how can I get that data, within the confines of
> mimedefang-filter? David, have you ever thought about a %Headers hash (there
> have been other times that I would have liked to know what was in the
> headers)?

Mark, try to use something like this,


use IO::File;

use vars     qw(

%hHDRVARS = ();

sub setHeadersVars
	%hHDRVARS = ();
	my $headers = IO::File->new("<HEADERS");
	while ($_ = $headers->getline)
	{	#no CRNL
		{	next if(lc($1) eq 'received');
			#$hHDRVARS{$1} = defined $2 ? StrTrim($2) : '';
			$hHDRVARS{$1} = $2 if(defined $2);

sub filter_begin()

Antonello Nocchi                        CERCA.COM S.r.l

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