[Mimedefang] Statistics

Aaron Paetznick aaronp at critd.com
Mon Jul 8 17:27:01 EDT 2002

Here's what I do to add logging to my mimdefang-filter.  Of course this 
isn't the most efficient method to do logging of this sort, but it works 
just the same.  Please don't try this on your heavily-loaded production 

I added some supporting subroutines at the top of the file:

======== CUT ==========
sub formatTime {
   return sprintf("%02d",shift);
sub formatString {
   my $string = shift;
   $string = "NULL" unless $string =~ /\S/;
   return $string;
sub formatAddress {
   my $addy = shift;
   $addy =~ tr/\<//d;
   $addy =~ tr/\>//d;
   return $addy;
sub logEvent {
   my $class = lc(shift);
   my $message = shift;
   my @time = localtime;
   my $time_string = $time[5] + 1900 . "-" . formatTime($time[4] + 1) . 
"-" . formatTime($time[3]) . " " . formatTime($time[2]) . ":" . 
formatTime($time[1]) . ":" . formatTime($time[0]);
   my $Recipient;
   if (scalar(@Recipients) == 1) {
     $Recipient = "->Recipient:" . formatAddress(shift(@Recipients));
   } else {
     $Recipient = "->Recipient:" . scalar(@Recipients) . " addresses";
   open LOGFILE, ">>/var/log/email_filter_" . $class . ".log";
   print LOGFILE "[" . $time_string . "]->MsgID:" . formatString($MsgID) 
. "->Sender:" . formatString(formatAddress($Sender)) . $Recipient . 
"->Subject:" . formatString($Subject) . "->Log:" . $message . "\n";
   close LOGFILE;
======== CUT ==========

...and then I peppered the filter with logging statements wherever I 
needed them, i.e.:

======== CUT ==========
     if ($category eq "virus") {
       logEvent("attachment","positive virus scan for " . $fname . ":" . 
       return action_quarantine($entity, "A known virus was discovered 
and deleted.  Virus-scanner messages follow:\n$VirusScannerMessages\n\n");
======== CUT ==========

I hope that my email client doesn't mangle the code with line breaks too 


David F. Skoll wrote:
> [Posted on behalf of Craig Smith]
> I cannot find any docs on MIMEDefang stats.  I need to be able to tell
> the number of attachments stripped off, an a daily and monthly basis.
> Does anyone know of a good link or way to do this.  You answers will
> be greatly appriciated.  Or any HOWTO or ideas on stats at all.
> Thanks,
> Craig
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