[Mimedefang] MimeDefang RPM

Rich West Rich.West at divatv.com
Tue Feb 26 17:10:39 EST 2002

Not sure if anyone is interested, but since I have become a file zealot 
(or sorts) on our systems, I rolled an RPM of MimeDefang 2.3 when I 
originally did my MimeDefang install  in order to keep track of the 
associated files.

Yes, as the web page suggests, "..installation is rather tricky..", but 
this is built using the most default installation (which really isn't 
tricky. ;), including Anomy::HTML and Spamassassin, and against 
Perl5.6.1.  Nothing with the sendmail.cf file nor the mimedefang-filter 
file are altered.

I just updated it for MimeDefang 2.6, and, if anyone is interested, it 
can be grabbed from:

As with apps like this, you might simply want to rebuild the RPM for 
yourself by using the source RPM file in order to pick up the specifics 
of your system.

Anyhow, feel free to tinker with it and/or use it.  I figured I would 
throw it out there to try to give something back. :)


Richard West				mailto:richard.west at divatv.com
Sr. Systems Administrator
Diva - Princeton, NJ			http://www.divatv.com

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