[Mimedefang] Variable Initialization for mimedefang-filter

Albert E. Whale aewhale at ABS-CompTech.com
Wed Apr 10 12:11:17 EDT 2002

Here's My Filter File.  Hope that makes more sense.

"David F. Skoll" wrote:

> On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Albert E. Whale wrote:
> > Apr  9 22:29:14 access mimedefang-multiplexor: Slave 6 stderr: Use of
> > uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
> > /etc/mail/mimedefang-filter line 156.
> >         . "\tFrom:\t$FromAddress\n"
> Who is setting $FromAddress?  MIMEDefang doesn't.  Same with $VirusName.
> Regards,
> David.
> _______________________________________________
> MIMEDefang mailing list
> MIMEDefang at lists.roaringpenguin.com
> http://lists.roaringpenguin.com/mailman/listinfo/mimedefang

Albert E. Whale - CISSP
ABS Computer Technology, Inc. - ESM, Computer & Networking Specialists
Sr. Security, Network, and Systems Consultant

-------------- next part --------------
# -*- Perl -*-
# high-risk-filter
# Sample implementation of "filter" function for MIMEDefang.
# Your filter *must* be correct Perl code, *must* return "1" when
# sourced; and *must* be placed in /etc/mail/mimedefang-filter.
# This filter is "high risk" because it allows most attachments through,
# with only defanging to protect the innocent.
# Copyright (C) 2000 Roaring Penguin Software Inc.
# This program may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License, Version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
# $Id: high-risk-filter,v 1.14 2001/08/02 14:52:33 dfs Exp $

# Set administrator's name here.  The administrator receives
# quarantine messages and is listed as the contact for site-wide
# MIMEDefang policy.  A good example would be 'defang-admin at mydomain.com'
$Administrator = 'postmaster at abs-comptech.com';

# Set the e-mail address from which MIMEDefang quarantine warnings and
# user notifications appear to come.  A good example would be
# 'mimedefang at mydomain.com'.  Make sure to have an alias for this
# address if you want replies to it to work.
$DaemonAddress = 'mimedefang at abs-comptech.com';

# Set various stupid things your mail client does below.

# Set the next one if your mail client cannot handle nested multipart
# messages
$Stupidity{"flatten"} = 0;

# Set the next one if your mail client cannot handle multiple "inline"
# parts (*cough* Exchange *cough* Outlook)
$Stupidity{"NoMultipleInlines"} = 0;

# %PROCEDURE: filter_begin
#  None
#  Nothing
#  Called just before e-mail parts are processed
sub filter_begin {
    # If you have a recognized anti-virus scanner, use this
    $VirusFound = message_contains_virus();

    # Example: Only allow mailing to "all at abs-comptech.com" from our mail server
    $OurMailServer =;
    if ($RelayAddr ne $OurMailServer) {
		foreach $recip (@Recipients) {
			if ($recip eq 'all at abs-comptech.com') {
				action_bounce('Outsiders may not mail to all at abs-comptech.com');

# %PROCEDURE: filter
#  entity -- a Mime::Entity object (see MIME-tools documentation for details)
#  fname -- the suggested filename, taken from the MIME Content-Disposition:
#           header.  If no filename was suggested, then fname is ""
#  ext -- the file extension (everything from the last period in the name
#         to the end of the name, including the period.)
#  type -- the MIME type, taken from the Content-Type: header.
#  NOTE: There are two likely and one unlikely place for a filename to
#  appear in a MIME message:  In Content-Disposition: filename, in
#  Content-Type: name, and in Content-Description.  If you are paranoid,
#  you will use the re_match and re_match_ext functions, which return true
#  if ANY of these possibilities match.  re_match checks the whole name;
#  re_match_ext checks the extension.  See the sample filter below for usage.
#  Nothing
#  This function is called once for each part of a MIME message.
#  It decides the fate of the part by calling one of:
#  action_accept()                   -- Accept the attachment as-is.
#  acction_accept_with_warning($msg) -- Accept the attachment, but add
#                                       a warning message "$msg".
#  action_drop()                     -- Silently drop the attachment.  NOT
#                                       RECOMMENDED.
#  action_drop_with_warning($msg)    -- Add a warning message "$msg" and
#                                       drop the attachment.
#  action_defang($entity, $name, $fname, $type) -- Allow the attachment
#     through, but change the name to "$name", filename to "$fname" and MIME
#     type to "$type".  If "$name" or "$fname" are set to "", they are
#     generated.  Use this to "de-fang" dangerous attachements so the data
#     gets through, but is not susceptible to simple social engineering
#     attacks.
#  action_external_filter($entity, $cmd) -- Run an external filter "$cmd".
#     This program must read from the file "./FILTERINPUT" and leave
#     the result in "./FILTEROUTPUT".
#  action_quarantine($entity, $msg) -- Similar to action_drop_with_warning.
#     However, it copies the attachment to a file in /var/spool/MIMEDefang
#     and e-mails the details of the attachment and the name of the
#     quarantined file to the MIMEDefang administrator.
#  action_bounce($reply) -- Bounce the entire message with one-line reply
#     $reply.  This means that the sender gets an error and the intended
#     recipients never see the mail.  You can profitably use
#     action_quarantine before a call to action_bounce.
#  action_discard() -- Silently discard the entire message.  This means
#     that the intended recipients never see the mail and the sender
#     *does not* get an error message back.  You can profitably use
#     action_quarantine before a call to action_discard.
sub filter {
    my($entity, $fname, $ext, $type) = @_;

    # For convenience, compute lower-case versions of filename and extension
    my($lc_fname) = $fname;
    my($lc_ext) = $ext;

    $lc_fname =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
    $lc_ext =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;

    #                                                                  #
    #                      Filter rules follow                         #
    #                                                                  #

    # Quarantine viruses

    if ($VirusFound && entity_contains_virus($entity)) {
		$VirusName =~ s/.*?!Virus! (.*?) (.*?) .*/Virus called $2/s;
#        my($infectedmsg)="This was message was found to be carrying an attachment \n"
        $infectedmsg="This was message was found to be carrying an attachment \n"
        . "that contained a known virus.  The attachment has been replaced.\n"
        . "The following information may be helpful to determine its source:\n"
        . "\tSender:\t\t$Sender\n"
        . "\tFrom:\t$FromAddress\n"
        . "\tVirus:\t\t$VirusName\n"
        . "\tAttachment:\t$fname\n"
        . "\tMime-Encoding:\t$type\n"
		. "\nThe original sender may NOT have been notified\n(it may not be a valid email address).\n";
		# $FromAddress above here is obtained from the HEADERS file
#		my($replacemsg)="A virus was detected by our Anti-Virus Scanner in the Original Attachment.\n"
		$replacemsg="A virus was detected by our Anti-Virus Scanner in the Original Attachment.\n"
        . "\tMime-Encoding:\t$type\n"
        . "\tFilename:\t$fname\n"
        . "\tVirus Name:\t$VirusName\n";
        # some sanity checks here that set $dumpme if it needs to be  discarded
        $infectedmsg=$infectedmsg."******** THIS MESSAGE HAS BEEN DISCARDED ********\n\n" if $dumpme;
		action_quarantine($entity, $infectedmsg); 
		return action_drop() if $dumpme;
		if ($Sender ne '<>' ) {
			return action_notify_sender($replacemsg);
        return action_replace_with_warning($replacemsg);

#    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
#    # Quarantine: .exe .com .bat .vbs .shs .dll .vxd
#    #             .pif .scr .reg .ocx .lnk .js
#    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
#    if (re_match_ext($entity, '^\.(exe|com|bat|vbs|scr|shs|dll|vxd|pif|reg|ocx|lnk|js)$')){
#        return action_quarantine($entity, "An attachment named $fname was removed from this document as it\n"
#			. "constituted a security hazard.  If you require this document, please contact\n"
#			. "the sender and arrange an alternate means of receiving it.\n");
#		}

	return action_accept();

# %PROCEDURE: defang_warning
#  oldfname -- the old file name of an attachment
#  fname -- the new "defanged" name
#  A warning message
#  This function customizes the warning message when an attachment
#  is defanged.
sub defang_warning {
    my($oldfname, $fname) = @_;
	"An attachment named '$oldfname' was converted to '$fname'.\n" .
	"To recover the file, right-click on the attachment and Save As\n" .

# DO NOT delete the next line, or Perl will complain.

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