[Mimedefang] Spam Assassin problem?

Rob Dege rcd at amherst.com
Wed Apr 3 15:25:56 EST 2002

Here are the headers of an email that got through MIMEDefang:

X-Spam-Status: hits=8 required=8
        SPAM: ---- Start SpamAssassin results
        SPAM: 8 hits, 8 required;
        SPAM: *  0.4 -- BODY: Tells you how to stop further SPAM
        SPAM: *  2.0 -- BODY: Talks about email marketing
        SPAM: *  0.9 -- BODY: Asks you to click below
        SPAM: *  1.8 -- BODY: 'remove' URL contains an email address
        SPAM: *  1.6 -- BODY: Tells you to click on a URL
        SPAM: *  1.3 -- BODY: Image tag with an ID code to identify you
        SPAM: ---- End of SpamAssassin results
X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.6 (www dot roaringpenguin dot com slash

Here is my MIMEDefang filter:

    if ((-s "./INPUTMSG") <= 81920) {
        my($hits, $req, $names, $report) = spam_assassin_check();
        action_add_header("X-Spam-Status", "hits=$hits required=$req");

        if ($hits >= $req) {

Any reason why 8 hits == 8 required, yet it wasn't discarded?



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