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I tried to configure 7zip archive checking in version 3.4.1 (the
latest version for CentOS 8, but in version 3.5 the same thing).
When filtering a 7z archive containing a 'test.txt' file, there
was an error in the logs:</p>
<p>Error from multiplexor: test.txttest.txtok<br>
I removed the line:<br>
print $file;<br>
in the re_match_in_7zip_directory function in the Utils.pm file
and the error went away. <span class="HwtZe" lang="en"><span
class="jCAhz ChMk0b"><span class="ryNqvb">I'm not a
programmer, but there is no such line in the
re_match_in_rar_directory function and the rar archive
checking works fine, so maybe this is a bug.</span></span></span></p>