[Mimedefang] bayes database lock error [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Ryan Lindsay Ryan.Lindsay at ipaustralia.gov.au
Mon Feb 3 20:27:17 EST 2025


We run 4 mail servers with the same version of sendmail and mimedefang on them.
Running on RHEL 8.10

We basically use the servers to add the boilerplate water mark to our email.
On one of the servers, I've noticed this error re-occurs fairly regularly

Feb  4 12:14:37 prod-vmail02.aipo.gov.au mimedefang-multiplexor[1978037]: 5141ER2q1989140: Worker 0 stderr: bayes: cannot open bayes databases /var/spool/MD-Quarantine/.sp
Feb  4 12:14:37 prod-vmail02.aipo.gov.au mimedefang-multiplexor[1978037]: 5141ER2q1989140: Worker 0 stderr: amassassin/bayes_* R/W: lock failed: File exists

I'm a little stumped by this as I'm not sure what it's telling me.
I've looked at the folder and it exists
[root at prod-vmail02 .spamassassin]# ls -lah
total 4.2G
drwx------. 2 defang defang   57 Feb  4 12:25 .
drwxr-x---. 3 defang defang   26 May 16  2023 ..
-rw-------. 1 defang defang   33 Feb  4 12:25 bayes.lock
-rw-------. 1 defang defang 320M Feb  4 10:39 bayes_seen
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 defang defang 5.0G Feb  4 12:25 bayes_toks
[root at prod-vmail02 .spamassassin]# pwd

It doesn't appear to have a problem writing to the folder
Can someone explain this error and how to fix it?


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