[Mimedefang] Can't get mimedefang + sendmai to work on Ubuntu.

Mark London mrl at psfc.mit.edu
Tue Feb 14 04:30:39 EST 2023

Hi - I'm a long time user of mimedefang on Redhat, my first time trying 
to it get it work on Ubuntu 22.  Apt installed mimedfang 2.84-4build3.

I added this to sendmail.mc:

F=T, T=C:15m;S:4m;R:4m;E:10m')

The mimedefang process start.   But when I try to send an email, my 
email client hangs and then eventually times out.

It does create a mdefang-xxxxx directory in /var/spool/MIMEDefang/ for 
that email with all the appropriate files.

But nothing in the log files.  Until it times out, at which point the 
messages below occur.

I have no idea how to debug this any further.   Any suggestions? Thanks. 
- Mark


Feb 14 04:17:17 zzz mimedefang-multiplexor[94919]: Killing busy worker 0 
(pid 94920) req=1 age=620 req_age=600: Busy timeout
Feb 14 04:17:17 zz mimedefang[94938]: 31E97H19094950: Error from 
multiplexor: ERR ilter timed out - check filter rules or system load


Feb 14 04:11:17 zzz sm-mta[94950]: 31E97H19094950: Milter (mimedefang): 
timeout before data read, where=eom
Feb 14 04:11:17 zzz sm-mta[94950]: 31E97H19094950: Milter (mimedefang): 
to error state
Feb 14 04:11:17 zzz sm-mta[94950]: 31E97H19094950: Milter: data, 
reject=451 4.3.2 Please try again later
Feb 14 04:11:17 zzz sm-mta[94950]: 31E97H19094950: 
to=<mrl at psfc.mit.edu>, delay=00:04:00, pri=30340, stat=Please try again 

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