[Mimedefang] RFC2822.pm: uninitialized value $msgid_header in concatenation

giovanni at paclan.it giovanni at paclan.it
Wed Nov 23 09:20:49 EST 2022

On 11/23/22 13:16, Max A. via MIMEDefang wrote:
> Hello.
> I have mimedefang running on Rocky Linux 8.7. After upgrading to version 3.2 (mimedefang-3.2-1.el8.x86_64 from EPEL) I see this error in the logs:
> mimedefang-multiplexor[141566]: A03501F354: Worker 0 stderr: Use of uninitialized value $msgid_header in concatenation (.) o
> mimedefang-multiplexor[141566]: A03501F354: Worker 0 stderr: r string at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Mail/MIMEDefang/RFC282
> mimedefang-multiplexor[141566]: A03501F354: Worker 0 stderr: 2.pm line 50.
> without additives from syslog:
> Use of uninitialized value $msgid_header in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Mail/MIMEDefang/RFC2822.pm line 50.
> This happens in the subroutine:
> sub gen_date_msgid_headers {
>      my ($msgid_header) = @_;
>      return "Date: " . rfc2822_date() . "\n" . $msgid_header; # <--- line 50
> }
> This subroutine is called from MIMEDefang.pm several times, everywhere as follows:
> $body .= Mail::MIMEDefang::RFC2822::gen_date_msgid_headers();
> No values are passed to the gen_date_msgid_headers routine, maybe that's why the $msgid_header variable is not initialized?
> My knowledge of perl is not very good and there may be another reason, but the errors in the log say that something is going wrong.
just fixed in Github repo:

Thanks for spotting this.

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