[Mimedefang] cpanel whm centos 6.9 flag on header keywords?

Chip jeffschips at gmail.com
Tue Jan 9 11:22:17 EST 2018

Newbie excited to use the features of mimedefang for a new project that
needs to flag inbound email for sorting into folders  (this can be done
via cpanel-level filtering) based on keywords in headers.

This is a Centos 6.9 machine running cpanel/WHM

Running "rpm -q sendmail postfix exim" show sendmail is not installed
yet there is a sendmail binary in /usr/sbin/sendmail.  No sendmail.mc
anywhere in system.  SpamAssassin version 3.4.1 running on Perl version

Exim version 4.89_1

Very broad question here: given the above information can this be done
on this machine with the existing software?

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