[Mimedefang] Blocked Files

Kevin A. McGrail kevin.mcgrail at mcgrail.com
Wed Mar 12 16:24:34 EDT 2014

Hi Everyone,

So I wanted to be able to answer what and why we blocked various 

Towards that end, for our installation, we wrote this page 

To help out MD, we also wrote the following patch to help document in 
the suggested minimum filter.

-------------- next part --------------
--- suggested-minimum-filter-for-windows-clients	Mon May  4 11:35:41 2009
+++ suggested-minimum-filter-for-windows-clients.my	Thu Feb 27 14:33:17 2014
@@ -63,7 +63,76 @@
 # $MaxMIMEParts = 50;
-# Set various stupid things your mail client does below.
+# Set various stupid things your mail client does below.  The list of
+# extensions blocked are as follows:
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Ext | Description                      | Threat
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ade | MS Access project description    | Macros
+# adp | MS Access project description    | Macros
+# app | Microsoft FoxPro app/OS X binary | Executable malware
+# asd | MS Word automatic backup         | Macros
+# asf | Streaming video                  | Buffer overflow
+# asx | Streaming video                  | Buffer overflow
+# bas | BASIC source file                | Executable malware
+# bat | Executable batch file            | Malware, discarded completely
+# chm | Compiled HTML htlp file          | Buffer overflow in IE
+# cmd | Executable batch file            | Executable malware
+# com | Executable file                  | Malware, discarded completely
+# cpl | Control panel extension          | Executable malware
+# crt | Security Certificate             | Overwrite SSL certificates
+# dll | Dynamic Link Library             | Executable malware
+# exe | Executable file                  | Malware, discarded completely
+# fxp | Microsoft ProFox Executable      | Executable malware
+# hlp | Windows compiled help file       | Macros
+# hta | HTML application                 | (Java)script malware
+# inf | Setup information                | Script can change settings
+# ini | Contains program options         | Change system settings
+# ins | Internet Naming Service file     | DNS hijacking/MITM attacks
+# isp | Internet Settings file           | DNS hijacking/MITM attacks  
+# jse | Javascript executable            | Executable malware
+# js  | Javascript source                | Executable malware
+# lib | Software library                 | Executable malware
+# lnk | Windows shortcut                 | Executable malware
+# mdb | Microsoft Access File            | Macros
+# mde | Microsoft Access Database        | Macros
+# mdc | Microsoft Common Console Document| DNS/file hijacking
+# msi | Widnows installer executable     | Executable malware
+# msp | Microsoft Windows Installer patch| Executable malware
+# mst | Microsoft VisualStudio  Test/SDK | Change computer configuration
+# ocx | OLE Control Extension            | Executable malware
+# pcd | Kodak proprietary photo CD image | Executable malware
+# pif | MS-DOS shortcut file             | Malware, discarded
+# prg | ProFox program source file       | Executable malware
+# reg | Registry File                    | Change computer configuration
+# scr | Screen Saver Script              | Malware, discarded
+# sct | Windows Script Component         | Executable malware
+# sh  | UNIX shell script                | Executable malware (UNIX)
+# shb | Shell Scrap Object file          | Executable malware
+# shs | Shell Scrap Object               | Executable malware
+# sys | Windows System Device Driver     | Kernel-level malware
+# url | Bookmarked URL                   | URL can be to a bad site
+# vb  | VisualBASIC runtime file         | Executable malware
+# vbe | VisualBASIC executable           | Executable malware
+# vbs | VisualBASIC script               | Executable malware
+# vcs | Calendar file                    | Buffer overflow in Outlook
+# vxd | Virtual Device Driver            | Executable malware
+# wms | Windows Media Player Skin        | Executable malware
+# wsc | Windows Script Component         | Executable malware
+# wsf | Windows Script File              | Executable malware
+# wsh | Windows Scripting Host Settings  | Executable malware
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# In addition to the above files, ZIP files are scanned for the same 
+# extensions listed above.  Also, class ID file extensions are blocked 
+# ({0000-...guid...} extensions).  
+# The above list was compiled with source material from the following:
+# * Wikipedia: 
+#    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Ruud_Koot/Dangerous_file_types
+# * Microsoft:
+#    http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook-help/blocked-attachments-in-outlook-HA001229952.aspx
+# * PCCC:
+#    https://raptor.pccc.com/raptor.cgim?template=blocked_files 
+# * The MIMEDefang Source Code & Mailing List: http://www.mimedefang.com/
 # Set the next one if your mail client cannot handle multiple "inline"

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