[Mimedefang] md_check_against_smtp_server and md_graphdefang_log

Tilman Schmidt t.schmidt at phoenixsoftware.de
Tue Mar 26 05:21:42 EDT 2013

Am 26.03.2013 05:25, schrieb James Curtis:
> From what I have read of the documentation (man mimedefang-filter, Rejecting Unknown Users Early section), the md_check_against_smtp_server is meant to verify that the email address someone is sending to actually exists on the server they are trying to send to (through the filter server that is running mimedefang).  To the best of my knowledge it doesn't check the sender to make sure that the sender exists on the domain that the sending email address.  

md_check_against_smtp_server is a generic function for testing whether
a given mail server will accept a given mail address. If you pass it
the recipient address and destination server, it will test that the
destination server is prepared to accept mail for that recipient
address. This is the intended use. But you can just as well pass it
the sender address and sending server, and it will dutifully check
whether the sending server would accept mail to the sender address,
no matter how inadvisable such a test would be.

>        You can define a function called filter_recipient in your filter.  This lets you reject messages to certain recipients, rather than waiting until the whole message
>        has been sent.  Note that for this check to take place, you must use the -t flag with mimedefang.
> Can someone verify that modifying the /etc/rc.d/init.d/mimedefang script 
>     daemon $PROGDIR/$prog-multiplexor -p /var/spool/MIMEDefang/$prog-multiplexor.pid -t \
> OR
>     daemon $PROGDIR/$prog-multiplexor -t -p /var/spool/MIMEDefang/$prog-multiplexor.pid \
> OR 
>     am I misunderstanding what it means to run it with the -t option.

Normally you shouldn't need to modify the init script directly.
Most versions read a configuration file where you can adjust
common settings such as this. The location of that configuration
file varies for operating systems (you don't seem to have
mentioned yours yet) and, in the case of Linux, distributions.
In my case (CentOS) the configuration file is
/etc/sysconfig/mimedefang, containing, among others, these lines:

# If "yes", turn on the multiplexor recipient checking function


Tilman Schmidt
Phoenix Software GmbH
Bonn, Germany

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