[Mimedefang] Can't locate /etc/mail/mimedefang-filter ...

Philip Prindeville philipp_subx at redfish-solutions.com
Tue Jan 3 15:51:24 EST 2012

On 1/3/12 7:49 AM, David F. Skoll wrote:
> On Mon, 02 Jan 2012 13:56:39 -0700
> Philip Prindeville <philipp_subx at redfish-solutions.com> wrote:
>> 12:52:10 glue01 mimedefang-multiplexor[16556]: Slave 0 stderr: Can't
>> locate /etc/mail/mimedefang-filter in @INC (@INC
> [...]
> Dollars to doughnuts you are being bitten by Security Encumbered Linux again.
> Regards,
> David.

No, it was really bizarre.  I commented out the code that was using Geo::IP and ran it once without that... stopped it... uncommented out the code, and ran it again and it was fine.

Very strange.

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