[Mimedefang] Exporting an eml file from MIMEDefang

YippieYay! mimedefang at t35t.net
Thu Oct 7 03:32:04 EDT 2010


On Thu, 2010-10-07 at 14:48 +1100, Nigel Allen wrote:
> Greetings
> I need to export an entire email depending on some test results within
> MIMEDefang-filter.
> The email needs to be exported to an operating system folder as a .eml
> file ready to be scooped up by an application daemon process.
> Two questions
> 1) Is this possible?

Yay! :-)

> 2) Assuming "Yes", can anyone point me in the right direction?

man mimedefang-filter -> GLOBAL VARIABLES SET BY MIMEDEFANG.PL -> $CWD :

"This variable holds the working directory for the current message.
During filter processing, mimedefang.pl chdir's  into  this directory
before  calling  any  of  the filter_ functions.  Note that this
variable is set correctly in filter_sender and filter_recipient, but not
in filter_relay."

The file you want is $CWD/Work/INPUTMBOX 

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