[Mimedefang] debian lenny and mimedefang + clamav

ADNET Ghislain gadnet at aqueos.com
Fri Nov 20 10:15:19 EST 2009

hello list,

 following my postfix war ( need to change the init script to change the 
owner of the socket of mimedefang to postfix and move the socket in the 
postfix chroot...) I now try to make clamav working with mimedefang. The 
issue is that it does not want to recognize it. I have put in my filter:

$ClamdSock = '/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl';

GUEST:ctrl01:/etc/postfix%(root)> ll /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl
srwxrwxrwx 1 defang clamav 0 Nov 19 22:37 /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl

i still have :

(root)> mimedefang.pl -features|grep -i clam
Virus:CLAMAV                  : no
Virus:CLAMD                   : no

i readed the debian lenny readme but there is nothing about clamav 
(installed from volatile and changed to run as the defang user). Anyone 
know a way to debug this ?

a part using the -features i do not how i can better troubleshoot this :)

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