[Mimedefang] MimeDefang: Perl core dump

Aniruddha Barua zmrif at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 11 09:17:45 EST 2009

----- Original Message ----

> ... I read it. It seems very strange, because in FreeBSD I start it by
> /etc/rc.d/mimedefang start|stop etc. In this file I can set the
> options for example Logging (means the parameter -l) or embedded
> (means the parameter -E). So far all is clear but if I check ps
> -ax|grep mimedefang I get
> 74688  ??  I      0:00,00 /usr/local/bin/mimedefang -P
> /var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang.pid -R -1 -m
> /var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang-multiplexor.sock -z
> /var/spool/MIMEDefang -U mailnull -p /var/spool/MIME ...
> So whatever I set in /etc/rc.d/mimedefang the parameters never change.
> Also not if I set it manually in this file (yes at right position).
> If I'm assume I set the config options right in the file mimedefang
> runs also not. I get some stuff like:
> Dec  8 06:42:45 acsvfbsd06 mimedefang[74509]: MIMEDefang alive.
> slavesReservedForLoopback=-1 AllowNewConnectionsToQueue=0
> doRelayCheck=0 doHeloCheck=0 doSenderCheck=0 doRecipientCheck=0
> Dec  8 06:42:45 acsvfbsd06 mimedefang[74509]: MXCommand: connect:
> Connection refused: Is multiplexor running?
> Dec  8 06:42:48 acsvfbsd06 mimedefang[74509]: MXCommand: connect:
> Connection refused: Is multiplexor running?
> Dec  8 06:45:09 acsvfbsd06 mimedefang[74509]: Multiplexor unresponsive
> - entering main loop anyway
> Dec  8 06:46:09 acsvfbsd06 mimedefang[74509]: MIMEDefang-2.67: mi_stop=1
> Dec  8 06:49:10 acsvfbsd06 kernel: pid 74672 (mimedefang-multiple),
> uid 26: exited on signal 10
> Dec  8 06:49:10 acsvfbsd06 mimedefang[74688]: MIMEDefang alive.
> slavesReservedForLoopback=-1 AllowNewConnectionsToQueue=0
> doRelayCheck=0 doHeloCheck=0 doSenderCheck=0 doRecipientCheck=0
> Dec  8 06:49:10 acsvfbsd06 mimedefang[74688]: MXCommand: connect:
> Connection refused: Is multiplexor running?
> Dec  8 06:50:02 acsvfbsd06 mimedefang[74688]: MXCommand: connect:
> Connection refused: Is multiplexor running?

Here the logs and your "ps -ax | grep mimedefang"say that only mimedefang is running and not the mimedefang-multiplexor.
In your very first message, your logs and "ps -ax" said mimedefang-multiplexor was running and not mimedefang (slaves).
On typical systems, you should get these lines from "ps fax | grep mimedefang"

1479 ?        S      0:06 /usr/local/bin/mimedefang-multiplexor -p
/var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang-multiplexor.pid -m 2 -x 10 -U
defanguser -b 600 -l -s
13464 ?        S      0:28  \_ /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/mimedefang.pl -server
14090 ?        S      0:01  \_ /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/mimedefang.pl -server
1495 ?        Sl    0:17 /usr/local/bin/mimedefang -P
/var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang.pid -m
/var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang-multiplexor.sock -R -1 -U defanguser
-s -t -q -p /var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang.sock

accepts messages from MTA (sendmail/postfix) and then communicates with
mimedefang-multiplexor which in turn runs and maintains the mimedefang.pl perl filters.

So, I guess there is something wrong with your start up
script or your compilation for which you don't see the changes. For
example, you said that you had tried setting the "-l" or "-E" option
but you did not see those changes. That's because
mimedefang-multiplexor did not start up. How did you set these options in the startup script?

One more thing, do you get warnings when you run "./configure", "make" and "make install" commands?


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