[Mimedefang] Testing for port #/TLS in filter_relay
Philip Prindeville
philipp_subx at redfish-solutions.com
Wed Feb 27 12:18:00 EST 2008
Paul Murphy wrote:
>> So... what can I test for in filter_relay() to know if the
>> connection
>> is coming in on port 25, or something else?
> Sendmail provides the ${daemon_port} macro, but you'll probably have to
> tweak everything to ensure that is passed through to MD before you can check
> it. There are some examples of this in the mailing list archives.
> Search for something like this in your sendmail.mc file:
> define(`confMILTER_MACROS_HELO', ``{if_name}, {if_addr}, j, _, i,
> {tls_version}, {cipher}, {cipher_bits}, {cert_subject}, {cert_issuer},
> {auth_type}, {auth_authen}, {auth_ssf}, {auth_author}, {mail_mailer},
> {mail_host}, {mail_addr}, {verify}'')
> define(`confMILTER_MACROS_ENVFROM', ``i, {auth_type}, {auth_authen},
> {auth_ssf}, {auth_author}, {mail_mailer}, {mail_host}, {mail_addr},
> {msg_size}'')
> Then work out from the Sendmail docs which section to add it to, restart
> Sendmail, and in filter_sender, add something like this:
> read_commands_file();
> my $tls_version=$SendmailMacros{tls_version};
> my $tls_cipher=$SendmailMacros{cipher};
> my $tls_cipher_bits=$SendmailMacros{cipher_bits};
> my $tls_cert_subject=$SendmailMacros{cert_subject};
> my $tls_cert_issuer=$SendmailMacros{cert_issuer};
> my $verify=$SendmailMacros{verify};
> ...adapted for your needs, of course. I use it to log TLS usage, as we
> require TLS for some domains.
> Best Wishes,
> Paul.
Well, I could just test for auth_type or tls_version, but my
understanding is that this isn't available as early on as filter_relay()
and filter_helo()... that the commands file doesn't get read until
filter_sender(), right?
This function should only be called from filter_sender and fil-
ter_recipient. This will read the COMMANDS file (as described in
mimedefang-protocol(7)), and will fill or update the following
global variables: $Sender, @Recipients, %RecipientMailers,
$RelayAddr, $RealRelayAddr, $RelayHostname, $RealRelayHostname,
$QueueID, $Helo, %SendmailMacros.
Or am I missing something?
Will the milter API support passing the port # at filter_relay() time?
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