[Mimedefang] Regexp help

Joseph Brennan brennan at columbia.edu
Wed Feb 20 14:00:09 EST 2008

Jason Gurtz <jason at jasongurtz.com> wrote:

> While this kind of analysis has its place, I find it's much more
> worthwhile and effective to focus on blocking where the mail is coming
> from instead of filtering on what it is.

Not with botnets.

My own first thought would be to put this into a Spamassassin rule,
but it's pretty easy to do this one thing with Mimedefang.

I had not noticed how many of these are coming in.  30,000 '<_' and
22,000 '<-' yesterday.  They were caught by various means but a quick
regexp on the sender could save further analysis.

Joseph Brennan
Lead Email Systems Engineer
Columbia University Information Technology

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