[Mimedefang] mimedefang and spamassassin question.

Mark London mrl at psfc.mit.edu
Mon Feb 4 07:25:36 EST 2008

In looking at mimedefang.pl, I decided that the only way to do this what 
I want, would be to modify the INPUTMSG file, and that's what I've ended 
up doing.  If there is a more elegant way, please let me know.  Thanks! 
- Mark

Mark London wrote:
> I want to add a header line to a message, such that it will be seen 
> when spamassassin is run on that message.  Is there any way to do 
> that?   action_add_header adds a line, but spamassassin doesn't see 
> that line.  Thanks. - Mark
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