[Mimedefang] Trend Micro patent idiocy - and so it begins

Bernd Petrovitsch bernd at firmix.at
Fri Feb 1 10:20:52 EST 2008

On Don, 2008-01-31 at 13:23 -0600, Stephen L Johnson wrote:
> But nowadays having a patent portfolio doesn't mean a thing to Patent
> Trolls. Companies that own nothing other than patents, and produce
> nothing other than patent litigation. Patent portfolios mean nothing to
> them.

Yes, since you can't litigate back at the patent troll (since he can't
violate any patent as they produce/create/invent something).
In the "nuclear weapon" analogy, the patent troll would be some
organization without country or other property which possesses nuclear
weapons and makes deals with you that they aren't blown up in your

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