Quickly finding a quarantined message - was: RE: [Mimedefang] action_discard

Cormack, Ken Ken.Cormack at Roadway.com
Wed May 9 08:17:20 EDT 2007

> You could call action_quarantine_entire_message, which will
> save a copy on the MIMEDefang server.  

> Searching the file system for that copy and delivering
> it to the user is the exercise that needs to be written.

Any time I call "action_quarantine_entire_message( )" I do the following
immediately after:

        my $quarantine_dir = get_quarantine_dir;
        md_syslog( 'info', "$QueueID: MSG Quarantined: $quarantine_dir");

I find this to be a HUGE time-saver, since the specific directory in which
the message was stored, is reported directly in the logfile, along with the
QueueID of the message in question.


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