[Mimedefang] Truncated connections causing multiple resends onincoming mail

John Nemeth jnemeth at victoria.tc.ca
Fri May 4 13:08:41 EDT 2007

On Sep 24,  6:09am, Les Mikesell wrote:
} John Nemeth wrote:
} >      Do you have a RAM disk?  A half gig of memory isn't enough for a
} > busy mail server.  By the time you factor in a RAM disk and bloated
} > perl processes, you will probably start swapping which will really kill
} > your performance.
} > 
} > } Wow!  For CAD $600, you can get an AMD64 box at a couple of Ghz with
} > } 1GB of RAM.  Time to upgrade!
} > 
} >      Yes, but this will be cheap consumer level equipment.  Not
} > something that I would consider appropriate for a mission critical
} > enterprise server.  That costs more money.
} My experience is that equipment that costs 10x as much has only a tiny 
} improvement in reliability, especially if you are putting everything on 
} a stable power feed.  In any case you can run your inbound scanners on 
} MX relays that don't store anything important.  If one breaks the next 
} retry will go through the backup MX and you can replace it for less than 
} a few months support changes on enterprise equipment.

     If you're talking about the HPs of the world, then I will agree
that stuff tends to be overpriced.  You don't need to go name brand to
get good quality hardware.  Although, sometimes if you're looking to be
able to do remote maintenace, they might be the only ones that have
appropriate hardware.

     A few years ago, I had a client call me on a weekend because their
server (it was running SCO and had dumb terminals hanging off it; it
ran the whole business) was down.  It sounded like a bad power supply.
I went in and said, "yep, bad power supply; call the Compaq dealer".
The Compaq dealer came out on Monday, replaced the power supply and
dinged them $400.  Had they been using a whitebox server, I would have
been able to replace the power supply on the weekend (no downtime
during business hours) for half the price.  They switched to high
quality whiteboxes (they have since been bought out and the new owners
have installed Dell and Sun boxes).

}-- End of excerpt from Les Mikesell

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