[Mimedefang] Logs

Daniel Aquino mr.danielaquino at gmail.com
Tue May 8 10:46:13 EDT 2007

As you can see from the logs bellow
mimedefang detected the message as spam
Which is what I was testing for...

But how do I know what steps caused mimdefang to detect is as spam?

And why was it still sent off to the mta ?

And oddly enough it never hit my inbox...

I wonder if my mta dropped it based n what mimedefang did to the message?



May  8 10:27:00 localhost mimedefang.pl[23993]:
DLOG,l48ER0oV024089,spam,12.665,,<winninginfo at yahoo.com>,<daquino>,RE

May  8 10:27:00 localhost sm-mta[24092]: l48ER0oV024089: to=<daquino>,
delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=esmtp, pri=124281,
relay=[] [], dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent (
<200705081427.l48ER0oV024089> Queued mail for delivery)

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